Ramona Koval has long entered the lounge rooms and accompanied the car journeys of book lovers around Australia with ABC Radio National’s The Book Show. In By the Book, she shares the authors who have written themselves into her life – from Oliver Sacks to Christina Stead – and talks reading, poetry, travel and love. Release your inner book nerd with our first lady of letters. Chaired by Alicia Sometimes.

Ramona Koval
Ramona Koval is a writer who has worked as a journalist and broadcaster. Her most recent books are A Letter to Layla: Travels to our Deep Past and Near Future, Bloodhound: Searching For My Father, and ...

Alicia Sometimes
Alicia Sometimes is an Australian poet, multi-media artist and broadcaster. She has performed her spoken word at many venues, festivals and events around the world. Her poems have been in Best Australian Science Writing ...