Tony Birch and Tara June Winch

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Thursday 11 July
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM


The Wheeler Centre

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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For July’s Double Booked Club, we’ll see two major Australian talents discussing two of this year’s most highly anticipated novels.

Tara June Winch is a Wiradjuri author, now based in France, whose debut novel, Swallow the Air, and short-story collection, After the Carnage, have won many awards, critical acclaim – and the affection of readers. Her second novel, The Yield, is about an Aboriginal elder and his granddaughter. It’s a story about returning to country and reclaiming language.

Tony Birch is a poet, activist and academic, as well as a much-loved novelist, short-story writer and Wheeler Centre regular. His new book, The White Girl, is about the Stolen Generations and is set in 1960s rural Australia. It’s the story of Odette, and her fair-skinned granddaughter, who she must protect from authorities at all costs.

Don’t miss a special evening edition of Double Booked Club – showcasing two outstanding First Nations literary voices discussing dispossession and the ties that bind generations.

Ahead of the event, we’ll send you some readings to get you started.

Can’t make it in person? Watch and participate from wherever you are – the event will be live-streamed below.


Readings will be our bookseller for this event.